Sunday, August 29, 2010

what's new?

nothing. in fact, the only update i can write here is that i have gained weight and i'm starting to see yucky cellulites in my arms. makalilisang! been eating a LOT the past weeks like there's no tomorrow. my preggy sis who's strictly eating healthy could not even stop me or inspire me to do what she's doing. but...

please give me another nth, nth chance to start over again. i am getting a (cheaper) gym membership this week. AND i will be starting my rice-less breakfasts tomorrow because i need to. i have to. i don't want to overwhelm myself so that's all for now. i will slowly cut back on other unnecessary stuff like fatty food and sweets, as i go along.

for the record (haha), i need to lose 50 pounds. i will only post updates here when i lose at least 5 pounds.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why We Aren't Losing Weight

saw this article by Joy Bauer at Yahoo. posting it here as reminder. :)

Reason #1: You're not fully committed.

I always tell clients at our first session together: Weight loss is at least 50 percent attitude. If you're not truly ready to make a full-time commitment to losing weight, chances of long-term success are pretty slim. That's because when efforts are half-hearted from the get-go, people typically lose interest in their diet soon after they start. The sad truth is, it's not really worth starting a weight loss program if your head isn't in the game.

How to Prevail:

My best advice is to do some serious soul-searching and identify a significant and enduring source of personal motivation for finally shedding the extra weight. Maybe it's to better manage health conditions... or to be around for your kids and grandkids... or to finally feel more comfortable in your own skin and boost your energy level.

The bottom line is that this motivation has to come from within YOU. Then, strengthen your resolve and recharge your motivation every single day with positive self talk and daily or weekly goals. I think long term goals are terrific, but short term goals can be even more powerful because they reinforce success every step of the way.

Reason #2: You expect miracles.

Individuals who launch a new diet with unreasonable expectations regarding how much weight they're going to lose each week--or who have an unrealistic goal weight in mind--are signing themselves up for trouble. If you can't match your desired pace of weight loss, you'll more than likely end up terribly disappointed and quickly jump ship.

How to Prevail:

Though you'll probably see a dramatic drop on the scale during the first few weeks on a new diet, most people eventually average out at a loss of one to three pounds per week for the duration of their plan. And if they do shed pounds more quickly than that--say, by fasting for long stretches of time--they're more likely to gain the weight back... and then some.

I know television shows and infomercial success stories lead you to believe that you can melt off fat in a matter of weeks, but the truth is, successful weight loss is a slow and steady process. If you can accept this fact and buckle down for the long haul, you will ultimately be handsomely rewarded with better health, a smashing figure, and newfound confidence.

Reason #3: Your plan isn't sustainable.

If you're following an extreme weight loss plan that doesn't even slightly resemble "normal" eating, there's a good chance your efforts won't last. And, in my opinion, subsisting entirely on shakes, smoothies, cookies, or tonics isn't normal eating. When you view a diet as a short-term deviation from your typical eating habits, rather than a long-term lifestyle change, you will almost certainly have a hard time maintaining your weight loss.

How to Prevail:

A diet should be based on appropriate amounts of healthy foods that keep you feeling satisfied and energized--not cranky and deprived. Most importantly, a diet should be viewed as a launching pad for a long-term lifestyle change. That's because to lose weight and keep it off forever, you really will have to permanently change your eating habits. With that in mind, it's important to choose an eating plan that you can easily transition into lifetime maintenance.

And while I can appreciate how provocative some of these quick-fix, restrictive diet plans can be, they truly are a set-up for failure and yo-yo dieting. Without fail, every restrictive plan has a calorific binge waiting right around the corner. Not the way to go for long term success. Instead, a food plan you can stick with for life is key.

Reason #4: You can't forgive your slip-ups.

This is an incredibly common diet pitfall. When people inevitably give into temptation and subsequently "fall of the wagon" for one meal or one day, they tell themselves they've blown their diet and throw in the towel for good. To be successful, you have to learn to overcome these temporary setbacks. You can't let one binge or one "off day" turn into a full week, or month, of splurging. Unfortunately, it can be incredibly difficult for some individuals to break this cycle of negative thinking.

How to Prevail:

Don't dwell on your mistakes. Instead, shake it off and get right back on track at your very next meal... or the very next day. And always remember, nobody gains weight from one rich dinner or a single slice of cake. The real trouble starts when you allow that one "splurge" to snowball into an all-out eating frenzy. Take it one meal at a time and learn to forgive yourself; every dieter has slip-ups, but the successful ones know how to keep those occasional lapses contained.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

mid-year appraisal & planning :-)

whew! where did the first half of the month go?!

today is the first day of the month, third quarter and second half of the year. so, what have i accomplished so far in the weight-loss department? =) only a total of 10.5 pounds from January 11, 2010 to today. i have 50 pounds more to lose.

what's the plan? for the gazillion nth time, i resolve to do the following:

> no-rice breakfast and dinner

> cut down on sweets and "empty calories"

> do cardio exercise at least 30 minutes 4x a week

> monitor weight every week on the same day at the same time

> move as much as I can

> keep a food and exercise log

target weight (by end of July) = 165-170 pounds

the biggest loser =)

okay, okay. so, what happened to my 9-day challenge? i got too busy logging here my food intake, i just forgot about it and quit. yes, such a loser. i also never got to go to the gym during those 9 days!

although I wasn't able to lose weight before my cousin's wedding, I'm still glad I didn't look that awful in the dress I wore. nakalimot pa gyud kog paubos sa 'shawl'. it was supposed to be off-shoulder.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 1

so I went to the gym today as planned. since I haven't done any cardio exercise the past 2 months and I don't want to be overwhelmed and eventually quit (again), I just did a 30-minute treadmill exercise for a start. I will have to do more in the coming days as my body slowly adapts to exercising again.

for breakfast, i just had Nestle's heavenly mango yogurt (1 cup). lunch was bad, Tuding's yummy skinless longganisa. had some cheese popcorn in the afternoon while we watched Toy Story 3 and feasted on Mother's Fried Chicken's chicken for dinner.

my weight as of today is 178 pounds. i'm happy that I did not gain weight despite the 2-month hiatus.

the 20K challenge

no, that's not a 20-kilometer run. that's a weight loss challenge where you will win 20 thousand pesos. i know, that's not a big amount but I can already buy something out of it. :)

an old friend who is so into Herbalife, invited me to join the contest. since I'm (perpetually) in this journey of losing weight, I decided to sign up thinking I'd lose weight faster knowing there are a lot of challengers. the cash prize is just a bonus. I'd already be really happy if I lose at least 15 pounds between Monday (the first day of the challenge) and end of August. the nice thing about it is you don't have to use their products. kanya kanyang diskarte on how to shed off those unwanted pounds.

so, good luck to me! =) gotta say bye bye to my favorite halo-halo, warm brownie cup, mango sushi and Casa Verde's death by chocolate. and my all-time favoritest, rice. :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

the 9-day challenge

no, this is not like the Nestle Fitnesse cereal's 14-day challenge although I'm also planning to try that out.

i failed to sustain my rice-less mornings the past week so I haven't lost more weight since the last time.
for the second time in a month, the hub and I will be cord sponsors again at a cousin's wedding on June 28th. i am determined to lose at least 2 pounds between tomorrow and the 27th thus the 9-day challenge. how? here's the grand plan (haha):

* cereal or oatmeal or yogurt ONLY for breakfast and dinner

* heavy lunch :-)

* cardio exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. I can now go to the gym, the yaya and helper are back.

* cut back on sweets and fats. good luck! :-)

I'm going to the gym tomorrow morning, I'll take my "base weight". And see on the 27th how many pounds are off my fat body.